Functional Medicine

What is Functional Medicine?

A root cause analysis approach to find the source of disease and a comprehensive approach to treatment.
It aims to optimize body functions.
Emphases in doing comprehensive blood work and uses “optimal” ranges not just “normal”.
Pays attention to the symptoms reported by patients, not just their lab results.
Seeks to optimize body functions through nutrition and lifestyles changes.
Focuses on restoring gut health by providing nutrition and avoiding harmful substances.
Corrects deficiencies of vitamins and minerals with nutrition and supplements.
Advocates for lifestyle changes that include stress reductions techniques.

Do we still use prescription medications?

Yes! We are “holistic” and therefore, use other health modalities besides Functional Medicine to
help restore health and provide quality of life. We utilized prescription medications when
needed and appropriate to help achieve these goals. We use a variety of prescription
medications that included brand or generic names, and compounding formulations from trusted
reputable pharmacies in the U.S.


  • Basic blood test to rule out anemia, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes: CMP, CBC, WBC, TSH, A1C, iron panel
  • Provider determines that blood work shows “normal” ranges for most labs except, TSH is mildly above the average, A1C is moderately elevated, iron is borderline low.
  • Diagnosed with pre-diabetes, and sub-clinical hypothyroid, but provider does not recommend treatment at this time, just “monitoring.”
  • Treatment plan:
  1. Prescription medication for diabetes.
  2. Recommend taking iron over the counter or prescribe ferrous iron, (which is poorly tolerated and less absorbed than most forms of iron).
  3. Healthy diet recommended, like Mediterranean, avoid fried, processed and salty foods.
  4. Exercise 45 minutes three times a week.
  5. Lose weight if possible.
  6. Recheck labs in three months.


  • Comprehensive blood test to rule out anemia, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, insulin resistance, vitamin deficiencies, hormone imbalances and inflammation: CMP, CBC, WBC, thyroid panel (TSH, FT3, FT4, RT3, TPO), A1C, fasting insulin, anemia panel (iron, ferritin, folate, vitamin B12), vitamin D, hormone panel (DHEA, progesterone, testosterone, estradiol), CRP.
  • Provider determines that blood work shows “sub-optimal” levels in thyroid panel, iron and ferritin are low, and testosterone low, A1C is moderately elevated and fasting insulin is above the desired level.
  • Diagnosed with pre-diabetes and insulin resistance, thyroid dysfunction, vitamin D deficiency, hormone imbalance, anemia, and inflammation.
  • Treatment plan:
  1. Prescription medication for diabetes and insulin resistance.
  2. Supplement vitamin D with cofactors magnesium and vitamin K-2, taken with a heavy meal, to help absorb vitamin D.
  3. Improve anemia by taking chelated iron with vitamin C, for better absorption, tolerance, and effectiveness.
  4. Improve insulin resistance by eliminating refined sugars, processed foods, gluten, and grains, eating more animal protein sources, and cooking with healthy fats.
  5. Treat sub-optimal thyroid levels once iron and ferritin are optimal and if symptoms persist.
  6. Recommended to sleep between 7 to 9 hours, use meditation, and Epsom salt baths, to help decrease cortisol levels, which contribute to insulin resistance and inflammation.
  7. Regularly do enjoyable, non-strenuous physical activity several times a week.
  8. Recheck labs in three months.

These graphs illustrate how a patient can have “normal” test levels but still have symptoms. Functional Medicine seeks to improve health and quality of life by focusing on “optimal” levels and not just abnormailities.

Conventional Medicine

Functional Medicine

Primary Care

Because life happens, it’s best to be prepared for those unpredictable times. 

Have a cold or stomachache? No need to wait until your usual clinic has an opening for you. We can help you from the comfort of your home and when you need it, through Telehealth Primary Care.

We can help with:

  • Annual comprehensive blood work
  • Routine blood work 
  • Wellness screenings testing such as mammograms, STD’s, depression
  • Prescription refills and management
  • Lifestyle recommendations
  • Referrals to specialists

Mild acute conditions:

  • Allergies and sinusitis
  • Heartburn
  • Rashes
  • Cough and colds
  • Mild aches
  • Ear infections
  • Sore throat
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Conjunctivitis (“pink eye”)​

We can help with:

  • Annual comprehensive blood work
  • Routine blood work 
  • Wellness screenings testing such as mammograms, STD’s, depression
  • Prescription refills and management
  • Lifestyle recommendations
  • Referrals to specialists

Thyroid Optimization

It’s hard to enjoy life when you are feeling down, achy, and tired all the time.

Have you checked your thyroid? When you did, were you told your levels were “normal?”
Most providers don’t diagnose or consider treatment for thyroid symptoms even when levels of thyroid hormone (TSH) are abnormalities.
As part of Functional Medicine’s approach, we don’t forget the thyroid. We take a deep dive beyond the usual markers to diagnose and treat thyroid dysfunction, because for us “normal is not the same as optimal.” The goal for us at Aniron is to “treat more than just symptoms;” we make it about treating the cause of the symptoms to help make you whole.

Take this quick thyroid function questionnaire to see if you may benefit from Thyroid Optimization.

Answer YES or NO to the following questions
Having mood swings, feeling irritable or easily angry?
Feeling anxious, nervous, or restless?
Feeling down, sad or depressed?
Lack of energy or stamina, feeling fatigued?
Hair falling, thinning or brittle nails?
Experiencing headaches more the usual or migraines?
Trouble concentrating, learning, or remembering things?
Weight gain even with a healthy diet and exercising?
Constipated or having irregular bowel movements?
Feeling cold, especially in hands and feet?
Having joint pain or muscle weakness?
Changes in skin, dryness, or roughness?

Women’s Health

Weight Loss | Aniron Wellness Center | Holistic Healthcare Hub
We help women with symptoms and conditions because of the effects of aging, hormonal imbalances, menopause and insulin resistance.

Men’s Health

We treat a variety of symptoms and conditions men can suffer from aging and decreased testosterone production:

Hormone Therapy

Hormone Therapy includes bioidentical hormones for women and men which come in the form of pills, troches, patches, creams, injections. These are treatment options for those interested in Women’s and Men’s Health Services. At this time, we are not offering pellets or testosterone replacement.
Over the years, Hormone Therapy, has proven to offer many great benefits for women and men. Studies have shown their safety and efficacy for most patients when done under careful management of a healthcare provider. Hormones are available in multiple forms like pills, patches, cream, injections, and pellets. Our provider will ensure you are the right candidate for hormones therapy through very comprehensive initial and routine lab work, follow up visits.